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Produkty 12
JOY MagConnect™ - Back Cover for iPad Pro 12.9” 3rd Gen
Ultra tenký, lehký zadní kryt kompatibilní s držáky tablet MagConnect na iPad Pro 12,9 (3. generace).
Zadní kryt tabletu MagConnect pro iPad Pro 12,9 je prvním krokem k vyjádření inovativní profesionality při používání vašeho iPadu. Elegantní a odolný kryt je kompatibilní s držáky JOY MagConnect, takže kromě ochrany iPadu zajistí i jeho snadné použití například v autě, v kanceláři, na konferenčním stole, nebo kdekoliv jinde potřebujete iPad pohodlně upevnit a napolohovat.
Tenký profil a promyšlený design zaručuje rychlou a snadnou použitelnost krytu při nasazování nebo vyjímání iPadu. Kryt chrání zadní část zařízení před poškrábáním, ať už s držákem nebo bez něj.
Kromě držáku lze na kryt uchytit i univerzální popruh na ruku, který vám umožní držet iPad bezpečně a pohodlně v ruce. Nastavitelný popruh na ruku je opatřený otočným konektorem, který umožňuje snadný přechod mezi pozicemi na výšku a na šířku, aniž byste museli vyjmout ruku.
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LAB.C X5 Pro, 5Port USB Wall Charger Navy
Do you also have multiple discharged devices waiting to be charged in just one socket? Let's end the waiting. LAB.C X5 Pro is a universal USB power charger that can safely and optimally power up to 5 devices at the same time.
Elegant design and compact size make the X5 Pro 5port an ultimate helper at home, in the office or on the go. You will appreciate the first port in time pressure - it is a stable fast charger.
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MUJJO Carry-On Folio Sleeve for 12" Macbook - Black
Comfortable and unique way to carry or travel with 12” MacBook. Quality leather, felt and metal details in combination with perfect desing and functionality. This is a sleeve of Dutch brand Mujjo, which reliably and elegantly protects not only your 12” MacBook, but also your personal valuables. Carry-On Folio offers fine lines from high-quality leather, which perfectly fit into your personal style. Sleeve can be used in both private and professional life. Inside you can find little pockets for credit cards and other small personal things. Your MacBook is protected with massive zipper, which is complete with metal details, all in black. The result is a charismatic, but still comfortable companion for your work device.
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BOX Products 10W Magnetic Car Charger - Aluminum detail
Elegant docking station by BOX Products enables wireless charging of modern Qi-compatible devices. The search for cables, chargers and free-out sockets or the disconnection of the phone during call handling is gone. Thanks to the clean design and design of a high-quality aluminum station, it naturally complements each desk and bedside table.
The unique three coil system guarantees comfortable charging in both vertical and horizontal position. The soft rubberised topsheet prevents unwanted sliding and disconnection of the device.
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MiPow Power Cube 4500 Lightning - Space Grey
The slender silhouette and luxurious materials of this very elegant power bank are proud to be inspirited from the design of Apple products. The MiPow Power Cube 4500 has a built-in Lightning cable, cleverly hidden on the side, and also offers additional USB output for other devices. At the same time, it can charge two devices, among these it splits up their 2.4 A current and a high capacity of 4500 mAh. Remaining capacity signals 4 decent but clear LEDs on the front. The technology used protects the recharged equipment and the battery from overvoltage, overcharging, high temperature and short circuit.
The matter of course is the original certification Made for iPod, iPhone and iPad.
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MiPow Power Cube 5000 Lightning - Rose Gold
The slender silhouette and luxurious materials of this very elegant power bank are proud to be inspirited from the design of Apple products. The MiPow Power Cube 5000 has a built-in Lightning cable, cleverly hidden on the side, and also offers additional USB output for other devices. At the same time, it can charge two devices, among these it splits up their 2.4 A current and a high capacity of 5000 mAh. Remaining capacity signals 4 decent but clear LEDs on the front. The technology used protects the recharged equipment and the battery from overvoltage, overcharging, high temperature and short circuit.
The matter of course is the original certification Made for iPod, iPhone and iPad.
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MiPow Power Cube 5000 Lightning - Gold
The slender silhouette and luxurious materials of this very elegant power bank are proud to be inspirited from the design of Apple products. The MiPow Power Cube 5000 has a built-in Lightning cable, cleverly hidden on the side, and also offers additional USB output for other devices. At the same time, it can charge two devices, among these it splits up their 2.4 A current and a high capacity of 5000 mAh. Remaining capacity signals 4 decent but clear LEDs on the front. The technology used protects the recharged equipment and the battery from overvoltage, overcharging, high temperature and short circuit.
The matter of course is the original certification Made for iPod, iPhone and iPad.
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MUJJO Sleeve for 12" Macbook - Tan
Unique combination of quality felt and leather. Perfect design, simple closing and above all functionality. This is a sleeve from the Dutch company Mujjo, which reliably and elegantly protects not only your 12 "Macbook, but also iPad Mini and other personal valuables. And if you accidentally own both devices, you can easily carry them together. Inside the felt sleeve there are two large pockets and handy credit card or SD card compartment to keep your precious devices safe with a high-quality leather flap, with a timeless design that combines special manufacturing techniques to soften and treat with vegetable oils, resulting in an original sleeve, who gets a unique and personal patina while using it.
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W magazynie
MUJJO Sleeve for 15" Macbook Pro - Black
Unique combination of quality felt and leather. Perfect design, simple closing and above all functionality. This is a sleeve from the Dutch company Mujjo, which reliably and elegantly protects not only your 15 "Macbook Pro, but also older Retina models or iPad Pro with smart keyboard. And if you accidentally own both devices, you can easily carry them together. Inside the felt sleeve there are two large pockets and handy credit card or SD card compartment to keep your precious devices safe with a high-quality leather flap, with a timeless design that combines special manufacturing techniques to soften and treat with vegetable oils, resulting in an original sleeve, who gets a unique and personal patina while using it.
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JOY aXtion Bold™, Rugged Water-resistant Case w/ Built-in Screen Protector, Touch ID for iPad Air 2 (Black/Black)
Obal JOY aXtion Bold™ pro iPad Air 2 je robustní pouzdro, které kombinuje maximální ochranu s funkčním designem. Kryt se může pochlubit plnou vojenskou ochranou a standardem MIL-STD-810. Ten obsahuje širokou škálu testovacích procedur, kterými si kryt musel projít. Váš iPad tak bez problémů přežije pád z výšky, odolá vysokým či nízkým teplotám, prachu, dešti nebo písku. iPad si přitom zachovává svoji eleganci, nízkou hmotnost a samozřejmě i použitelnost. Obal klidně můžete postříkat vodou, takže není jediný důvod proč si ho nevzít například s sebou do kuchyně, na pracoviště či do učebny chemie a fyziky.
Díky vojenské odolnosti se také skvěle hodí do těžkého průmyslu. Displej vašeho drahocenného zařízení chrání integrované sklo, které odolá jakýmkoliv škábancům. Vývojáři z JOY mysleli i na ochranu TouchID tlačítka, které je pokryté a zároveň chráněné super citlivým filmem. Samozřejmostí je i ochrana čočky fotoaparátu a dalších konektorů.
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Shoulderpod R1 Go Professional Mobile Rig
R1 Go is a compact multifunctional photo and video grip, for the expansion of the standard Shoulderpod S1 and allowing more creative options making filming with your smartphone more proffesional.
Now you can add a next device, which you need – LED lights, external micropohne, extra battery or whatever makes it possible to connect to the standard tripod thread 1/4"-20. Connection with grip S1 allows set the best position for one or two hands.
Grip Shoulderpod R1 Go is made of exclussive natural materials, like a mahogany wood sapelli and anodized aluminium, which guarantees anattractive design, long life endurance and reliability.
This product is not a functional alone, but if you are a photo and video proffesional, reporter or traveler and you already use Shoulderpod S1, The R1 GO is a must have!
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aXtion™ Bold pro iPad mini Retina - Black/Black
Ballistic Aspira Series pro iPad mini/mini Retina kombinuje minimální rozměry s vysokou mírou ochrany a elegantním designem. Přes velmi malé rozměry, zajišťuje relatině velmi vysokou odolnost proti pádům, otřesům nebo poškrábání. Povrchová úprava s vysokým leskem, výběr barev a vzorů z něj činí výrazně designovou záležitost. V obalu Aspira Series se iPad mini vejde všude tam, kam by se vešel i samotný. Přitom je v bezpečí dvouvrstvé technologie Ballistic včetně značně zesíleného krytí rohů proti pádům.
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Produkty 12
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- Kategoria Poslední kousky za bezkonkurenční ceny Usuń ten element